Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Great Teammates

So, today I had to do a floor routine in my gymnastics class. Cartwheels, handstands, spins, and jumps- all that good stuff. I even dressed up in black tights and put it to music. The routine went pretty well, but what really made it a cool was that about 10 of my teammates showed up to watch me.  A sophomore on the team, Josh Wood (#10), sent out a mass text and an e-mail to the team inviting everyone to support me.  My teammates even brought some other friends with them.  My professor was surprised and impressed to see my teammates excitement and willingness to come to my 2 minute attempt at gymnastics.  I could feel the energy in the room as "Pure Some Sugar On Me" began to play... and the rest is just a blur.  As I stood in my final pose, out of breath, I looked to my teammates and saw a bunch of my brothers smiling back at me clapping and laughing, and I said to myself, I am one lucky guy to have such awesome friends.  This is just one of the simple, little things that makes this team great.  Hopefully we'll be able to share more about ourselves through this blog in this time leading up to our Colombia trip.  I hope you enjoy getting a little insight to who we are and what we are about.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Our team's past service experience.

Spring 2009: Our team got to invest in the lives of some local 
Somali and Ethiopian kids from ages 6-17. It ended up being
one of the highlights of our spring. Good news- we are doing
it again this spring!
We would help the kids with their homework.  
Dan Squire was our coloring expert on site.
 We would play games with the kids outside.
They were always full of energy... not sure
how we got them all sitting in a circle.
The kids were awesome! 
We got to give them a bunch of soccer balls.
By the end of the spring all the kids were soccer 
fans and the soccer balls were a huge hit.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Learn More

Visit our website for more information!  ---> Messiah Men's Soccer 2011 Missions Trip


The 2011 Messiah Men's Soccer team has the amazing opportunity to serve and love the people of Medellin, Colombia this summer.  Please join in our adventure and our experience as we prepare for this awesome experience.